Privacy Policy Bareman Tax Advice

In our Privacy Policy, we use a number of definitions (these definitions may be used in singular and plural):
Regulation: this privacy policy;

Privacy Legislation: Personal Data Protection Act (as of May 25, 2018: the General Data Protection Regulation).

1. Explanation of the Regulation

Bareman Tax Advice may not process the data you provide to it without further ado. The Privacy Legislation is intended to protect the privacy of individuals. This legislation restricts the permitted use of your personal data by others. Based on this law, Bareman Tax Advice has the obligation to its clients:

  • to inform them about the manner and purpose for which data is processed by Bareman Tax Advice;
  • to disclose who can access the data;
  • to request consent for processing certain data. Bareman Tax Advice values your privacy. Therefore, Bareman Tax Advice provides an explanation in this Regulation on how it handles your data, what the purpose of its use is, and for the processing of which data Bareman Tax Advice explicitly needs your consent.

2. The personal data used by Bareman Tax Advice and the purpose of its use

Bareman Tax Advice processes (possibly) your personal data when you become or are a client of Bareman Tax Advice, when you sign up for newsletters from Bareman Tax Advice, or when you contact us via the contact form. Bareman Tax Advice collects your name, address, telephone number, email address, and in some cases your BSN number. This data enables us to: • handle the agreement that customers enter into with Bareman Tax Advice financially and administratively; • provide our services; • reach out to customers or interested parties when necessary; • manage your (financial) administration in certain cases; • further develop/optimize our services.

3. Provision of personal data to third parties

Bareman Tax Advice does not disclose personal data to individuals or companies outside the Bareman Tax Advice organization, unless:

  • it is required by law;
  • it is necessary for the execution of an agreement that Bareman Tax Advice has entered into with you;
  • you have given your consent for it.

4. Duties/Secure Access/Confidentiality/Retention Period

  • Bareman Tax Advice processes your personal data solely in accordance with the law. This means (among other things) that the data is only processed for the purpose for which it is obtained and in a proper/careful manner in accordance with the law and this Regulation.
  • Your personal data can only be accessed by the staff of Bareman Tax Advice, unless otherwise specified in this Regulation. All your personal data is secured by Bareman Tax Advice against unauthorized access. The security measures include:
  • Each employee having a personal password to log in to the digital system.
  • Employees of Bareman Tax Advice are subject to a duty of confidentiality regarding all personal data provided to Bareman Tax Advice;
  • Bareman Tax Advice has taken technical measures to secure the system it uses against external breaches in accordance with the law;
  • Your personal data is not retained for longer than necessary for proper administration. Bareman Tax Advice adheres to a period of two years after the last purchase/order/invoice, after which the data is destroyed. The law may prescribe a different retention period. If so, Bareman Tax Advice will adhere to the prescribed legal retention period.

5. Your Rights as a Data Subject

  • Right to information: the right to know whether and which personal data about you is being processed and for what purpose;
  • Right of access: the right to access and obtain a copy of that data, provided that the privacy of another is not thereby harmed;
  • The right to correction, supplementation, or deletion of data if necessary (right to correction and deletion). The right to request (partial) deletion of your data can only be granted if retaining the data is not of considerable importance to others and the data does not need to be retained based on a legal regulation;
  • The right to object: the right to object to the processing of your data in certain cases.

If you wish to exercise your rights, you can do so by email at If your request is denied, you will be explained why. One reason may be that your file contains information that is or may be important to others. You will receive a response from Bareman Tax Advice within one month of receiving your request.
Also, if you have a complaint about the way your personal data is being processed, you can contact Bareman Tax Advice and Bareman Tax Advice will try to resolve the issue together with you.

Do you have any (other) comments/questions/suggestions? You can also contact us in writing for that. Naturally, Bareman Tax Advice will also handle the personal data provided in this context confidentially and carefully. Our current contact information can be found on the Bareman Tax Advice website.

Privacy Policy Bareman Tax Advice version February 2024